Regulations for Student Events

Activities and all events must be approved through The Office of Student Engagement
by submitting an online request for student clubs/organizations activities at:

These regulations have been designed as general guidelines for all parties, shows, special events and other events sponsored by student organizations and held on campus. These regulations may be modified by the Office of Student Engagement based on the nature of the event. Items taken into consideration include, but are not limited to, the size of the audience, whether the event is open to the general public or not, and if the organization has successfully presented the event in the past. Student organizations will be informed of any modified regulations when meeting with the Director of Student Engagement or his designee.

1. All organizations requesting to sponsor a dance, show, fundraiser or other event, must complete the on-line request form and will be contacted to schedule a meeting with the Director of Student Engagement or another member of the staff to seek approval for the proposed activities. This should be done well in advance of your program. No facility reservations will be approved until this meeting takes place. The staff member will assist you in finding a place and time for your event and assist you in reserving the facility.

2. No advertisements may be made until the event has been approved; then all advertisements must be approved and stamped before they can be placed in approved locations.

3. Events must end by 1:00 a.m. Starting and closing times for parties must be included on advertisements.

4. The decision to assign any police or safety officers to student events is determined by administrative officials in conjunction with University Police. In general, if it is determined that an officer or officers be present for an event, the following guidelines are used:

• Events open to Monmouth University students and their guests must have a minimum of one (1) Monmouth University Police or Safety Officer present.

• Events open to Monmouth University students and students from other colleges or universities must have a minimum of two (2) Monmouth University Police or Safety Officers present.

• Events approved to be open to the general public must have a minimum of three (3) Monmouth University Police or Safety Officers present.

The required amount of police or safety officers may vary due to the anticipated crowd and/or nature of the event, i.e. concerts with public ticket sales, dances, parties, step shows, open talent shows, events where alcohol will be served, date or time of the event, and other circumstances. Generally this decision will be made in advance of the scheduled date of event. The police or safety officers will be paid for by the sponsoring organization, and the Office of Student Engagement will arrange for the police or safety officers to be present. With regards to certain events, such as Homecoming and Winter Ball, the University will continue to assess the security needs based upon tickets sales and/or the sales and distribution of alcoholic beverages. Parties/dances open to other schools or the general public may have additional requirements that will be discussed during a required meeting with the Office of Student Engagement.

5.  The organization’s advisor or chaperone must be present during the entire function. This person must be a member of the Monmouth University faculty, staff or administration.

6.  The sponsoring organization must ensure staffing at the door during the entire event. All individuals working the event must be Monmouth University students or staff.

7.  If the organization is planning on hiring any outside vendor or entertainer (i.e. band, DJ, etc.), the organization’s advisor or the Office of Student Engagement must call to request a contract. Students are not authorized to request a contract or commit a Monmouth University club or organization to a contract; if this occurs, the student or the student organization assumes all responsibility for payment and liability. All contracts must be reviewed by the Office of the General Counsel and revisions made as requested by the Office of the General Counsel. Only the Vice-President for Student Life may sign the contract for a student organization. The Office of the General Counsel may also require that the outside vendor or entertainer provide a certificate of insurance evidencing insurance coverage which lists Monmouth University, its trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents and students as additional insureds.

8.  All Monmouth University students must present their University ID upon entering.

9.  When guests are permitted, Monmouth University will admit only those guests who are 18 years or older and possess a valid University ID. Sponsoring organizations, with prior approval, may invite Monmouth University students and students from surrounding colleges. Students visiting from neighboring colleges must present a current student I.D. and leave it at the entrance desk. Any Monmouth University student may register a guest not from another college but must assume responsibility for their guest’s behavior. The guest must be 18 years or older and present a valid driver’s license or other valid and current state or military issued identification card. The guest(s) must also be signed in by a Monmouth University student. There is a maximum of two (2) guests per Monmouth University student. Failure to adhere to this policy will prohibit any and all guests from attending the event. The University or the sponsoring organization has the right to limit an event to one or no guests.

10. Student organizations sponsoring functions must conduct a visual inspection of all people entering the event. This may require asking their guests to open bags, pocketbooks, etc. Physical searches will not be required; however, metal detectors may be utilized upon request of the sponsoring organization and/or the Monmouth University Police Department. The sponsoring organization is responsible for supervision of the bathrooms, stairwells, and event area in the Rebecca Stafford Student Center. Extra Student Center staff may be deployed at the discretion of the Director of Student Life Logistics & Student Center Operations for overall supervision. The expense for the extra staff will be charged to the sponsoring organization.

11. There must be adequate minimal lighting kept on in Anacon Hall (or other event location) at all times so as to ensure the safety and security of all.

12. Sponsoring organizations must be fully aware that they will be held accountable for any/all costs that are incurred by the University as a result of unruly behavior during their sponsored event.