Good Samaritan Practice

The health and safety of students is of paramount concern to all at Monmouth University. Resources such as the University Police Department, Office of Residential Life, Office of Counseling and Prevention and Dean of Students’ Office are available for students to seek assistance for themselves, and equally important, their fellow student. Recognizing there are times when students or members of a University organization find themselves in a position where medical assistance is needed to ensure the proper care of a person who is significantly intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, the University has established this Good Samaritan Practice.  

This practice has been established to ensure that proper medical assistance and intervention is sought in these instances and not delayed for fear of punitive action by the University under the Student Code of Conduct. All students are expected to act first out of concern for themselves and others by contacting appropriate University personnel, i.e., a Resident Assistant (RA), Area Coordinator (AC) or Head Resident Assistant (HRA), or the University Police to obtain emergency assistance. 

Under the Good Samaritan Practice: 

  • Students and/or organizations that seek assistance from University, police, or medical authorities to address a situation involving a significantly intoxicated or under-the-influence individual(s) will not be charged with a violation of the university’s alcohol and/or drug policy. 
  • The practice applies to both the caller and the subject of the call if they under the legal drinking age to consume. 
  • This practice does not, however, preclude the University or other appropriate authorities from taking disciplinary action for other Student Code of Conduct offenses which may be associated with the situation, i.e., vandalism, theft, physical or sexual assault, etc., or the University Police Department filing appropriate criminal charges. 
  • Individuals and/or organizations involved in a situation that falls under the Good Samaritan Practice will be required to complete certain educational and counseling initiatives which are intervention and prevention based. Failure to complete these activities would result in action under the Code of Conduct. 
  • Students and/or organizations that demonstrate a consistent and repeated pattern of such behavior, after appropriate intervention and education has been provided, will not be considered under this practice.