Firearms and Fireworks Policy

All federal and New Jersey state statutes and regulations and local ordinance regarding the possession of firearms and weapons, including imitation firearms, both legal and illegal, apply on all University property and University sponsored events, including academic, athletic and social events held away from campus.  Monmouth University prohibits the use, storage, or possession of any weapons, realistic models of a weapon, including firearms, and any explosive or incendiary device of any description, as defined in N.J.S.A. §2C:39-1, on campus, in all campus buildings, including, but not limited to, residence halls, in all University properties, in all University facilities, and at all University sponsored events, including academic, athletic and social events held away from campus.  

Monmouth University also prohibits the use, storage, or possession of explosives and fireworks, including but not limited to, firecrackers, cherry bombs, smoke bombs and similar devices on campus and at University sponsored events, including academic, athletic and social events held away from campus.  

“Weapon” includes, but is not limited to, any item that is readily capable of lethal use or of inflicting serious bodily injury, designed in appearance or function to resemble a firearm, cause harm, and/or invoke fear or intimidation. Weapons include, but are not limited to knives, brass knuckles, swords, slingshots, or any other item when used to harm or intimidate another. 

Students found in violation of this policy may be removed from campus, arrested, expelled, suspended, or placed on probation. Students may be held accountable through the Student Code of Conduct and/or criminal justice system.