Community Statement on Civility

The Monmouth University community is an environment where teaching and learning activities are paramount, both inside and outside of the classroom. In order to foster this environment, respectful conduct and discourse must be the basis for all of our actions. 

Members of the University community are expected to act in a responsible, respectful, and professional manner at all times, affirming their commitment to a collegial community. Faculty and students should enter into a dialogue at the start of each semester to develop classroom behavior parameters suitable for their individual learning environment. 

Members of the faculty are ultimately responsible for what occurs inside the classroom environment. If, after suitable dialogue, a consensus on behavioral parameters cannot be reached, the faculty member’s decision on these is final. 

Outside of the classroom environment, all students are expected to abide by the parameters outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Other members of the community are expected to follow appropriate behavior guidelines as well. Appeals will be handled through appropriate University channels.