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Role of the Senator

The Monmouth University Student Government Association is comprised of six (6) Senate seats for each of the classes (Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior), as well as four (4) Senator-At-Large seats and two (2) Commuter Senator seats. The Senators for each of the class seats represent any issues relevant to the students within their specific year at Monmouth. Commuter Senator’s primarily focus on any issues effecting the off-campus and commuter students, and Senators-At-Large represent the concerns of all students, including our graduate population.

It is the responsibility of the elected members of the Senate to actively represent the needs, concerns and ideas of the students for which they serve. Senators have an obligation to become actively engaged with the regular business of the Senate. This would include attending all scheduled meetings, programs, and events, as well as serving as a member of one of the many committees sponsored by SGA.

The key to any success SGA hopes to achieve every year is based on the level of participation from its members. When the members are engaged and supporting the programs and initiatives of the Senate, a great deal can be accomplished.

Thinking about running for the Senate?

If the idea of serving on SGA has crossed your mind, great! We hope you will submit a candidate application the next time a vacancy or election is announced. Another good way to learn more about SGA is to attend one of the regularly scheduled meetings that are held every Wednesday at 2:45 in the SGA Office, on the 3rd floor of the Rebecca Stafford Student Center during the academic year.

Qualifications necessary to run for SGA

Although prior leadership or student government experience can be helpful, it’s not necessary. SGA is comprised of students from all walks of life, majors, and backgrounds. What’s important, however, is that candidates are dedicated to the idea of making a difference and committed to becoming actively involved with the business of the Senate.

With the exception of the fall Freshmen Senators, candidates running for one of the class positions to include (Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Senator At-Large and Commuter Senator) must have an overall GPA of 2.75 or better and be in good standing (financial and judicial) with Monmouth University.

Expectations of a Senator

Serving on SGA is a privilege that many students don’t get to experience. SGA can and does affect change at Monmouth University and as such, members of the Senate are expected to become active in the various committees, meetings, and projects that SGA oversees.

As a Senator, you should make it a priority to attend all of the regular meetings as well as the signature programs that are an important part of the Senate’s annual schedule. During the weekly meetings, Senators are expected to be actively engaged and participate in the discussions taking place. Furthermore, Senators should be eager to work with a committee and assist their fellow Senators whenever possible.