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PEP Online Evaluation

Thank you for attending an online PEP workshop! Please complete this evaluation to receive your CE certificate.

If you are unable to complete this form, have questions, or require additional information, please feel free to call the School of Social Work at 732-571-3543 or contact PEP at

PEP Online Evaluation

"*" indicates required fields


Workshop Feedback

The content of the program met my expectations.*
The knowledge and presentation skills of the presenter(s) met my expectations.*
The content and quality of the program materials met my expectations.*
The program was relevant to social work practice.*
Overall, this program met my educational needs.*

Online Experience

Please rate your satisfaction with Zoom for the purposes of this workshop.*
Please rate your satisfaction with the presenter’s use of Zoom.*

PEP Administration

How did you hear about this workshop? (Check all that apply)*
What is your preferred length of an online workshop? (Check all that apply)*
What are your preferred times for attending online workshops? (Check all that apply)*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.