Successful Prevention at Monmouth

Thus far, we have successfully trained over 700 people from the campus and local communities in suicide prevention. Audiences have included outside clinicians, students, staff, and faculty. Topics include signs and symptoms of suicide, risk and protective factors, and what to do when a student needs help.

Key Accomplishments for Year 1:

  • Offered 39 trainings in suicide awareness, identification, and referral training during the 2012-2013 academic year, reaching over 400 campus adult and student non-clinical gatekeepers. Key adult gatekeepers included over 100 food service workers, facilities management, associate vice presidents, deans and chairs of departments and their staff, athletics, faculty, and advisors. Student leaders included peer mentors from residential life, Honors School, athletics, Student Activities Board and Student Government Association, and Greek Life.
  • Trained approximately 180 front-line adult gatekeepers in the suicide awareness, identification, and referral, as well as in the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS). These individuals included campus police, Residential Life coordinators, and the Center for Student Success (including Disabilities Services and First Year advisors).
  • Trained 128 on-campus and off-campus clinical gatekeepers in Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk, the C-SSRS, Safety Planning, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Suicide Prevention. Clinical gatekeepers included individuals from mobile crisis, substance abuse clinics, physical health, and mental health (both private and hospital-based clinicians).
  • Held a contest among art students to create our Promoting Wellness and Resiliency on Campus logo. We received 35 entries. The logo is used on our program banner, pens, pads of paper, and this Web site.
  • Along with our Campus Working Group, we created a Community Advisory Board, representing key stakeholders in the Monmouth community. We held a kick-off meeting on World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10, 2012) and a semi-annual meeting in March 2013. 
  • Dr. Mancini and Dr. Scott participated in a national webinar sponsored by SAMHSA. Dr. Mancini was also invited to present at the Annual Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grant meeting.

Additional Information