Program Overview

Promoting Wellness and Resiliency on Campus at Monmouth University is a University and community partnership program whose purpose is to enhance prevention, identification, and service utilization for all students, particularly those with mental and behavioral health problems, which elevate their risk for suicide ideation, attempts, and completions.

The program is targeted to the entire student population at Monmouth University. Through a series of activities and programs, the University will enhance its established infrastructure and community partnerships with a public awareness campaign and education training targeted at individuals poised to respond and prevent student suicide at the University via universal, selective, and indicated prevention. By the end of this three-year grant, it is expected that over 700 gatekeepers and providers and the student body of 6,400 will be offered training in mental health and suicide awareness, identification, and referral/help-seeking, and be exposed to public awareness messages.

The grant has four goals:

  1. to improve identification and referral of students at risk;
  2. to improve help-seeking of students at risk for suicide;
  3. to improve the mental health services available for students at risk for suicide;
  4. to follow crisis management procedures.

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