MU Suicide Prevention Fact Sheet

Suicide is the third leading cause of death among college students. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression and bipolar disorder in young adults are associated with an increased risk of suicidal behavior. The strongest factors for suicide in this age group are depression, substance abuse, and aggressive behavior. Educating students about the signs of suicide can raise awareness and potentially save someone’s life.

Some of the warning signs of suicide are:

  • A suicide threat of any type, direct or indirect.
  • Obsession with death that is evident in essays, poems, drawings, conversations, or other means.
  • Dramatic changes in personality or appearance.
  • Irrational, bizarre behavior.
  • An overwhelming sense of guilt, shame, or rejection.
  • Statements about getting even or getting attention.
  • A change in eating or sleeping patterns.
  • A decline in academic performance.
  • Giving away belongings, or arranging affairs for death.
  • A past suicide attempt.

In the event of a mental health emergency or crisis that affects your safety and well-being or that of another person, please note the following contact information:

DURING REGULAR OFFICE HOURS: Counseling and Psychological Services, in the Rebecca Stafford Student Center, Third Floor, at 732-571-7517, or University Police at 732-571-4444.

AFTER HOURS: If you are a student in residence, call the University Police at 732-571-4444. They will contact the Director of Counseling and Psychological Services. You should also contact the Residence Life Administrator on duty or your RA immediately.

If you are a commuter experiencing a mental health emergency, you should call your local hospital, 911, or the University Police at 732-571-4444 for information.

Additional Information

Additional information about suicide may be found on our Web-Based Resources page.

SAMHSA Resources and Publications on Suicide Prevention

Communicating About Suicide: What’s Helpful? What’s Dangerous?