Anticipated Milestones for Years 2 and 3

The first year of the grant was focused on capacity building to identify individuals at risk for suicide and have the clinical screeners and clinicians ready to work with students at risk for suicide. The second year of the grant will be the beginning of our public awareness campaign on campus to promote help-seeking and suicide awareness for the general student-body and faculty. To this end, we will be bringing Kognito online training to campus and working with students in a more collaborative partnership. We plan to create a student advisory board for the PWR initiative; develop three public service announcements, signage, brochures, etc.; hold an Out of the Darkness Walk on campus; and bring a chapter of Active Minds to campus.

In the second and third year of the grant, we also intend to work to sustain the efforts of the grant and to institutionalize the trainings. This will be done by integrating trainings into the curriculum of education, nursing, social work, and professional counseling, as well as integrating key suicide prevention awareness, identification, and referral into all trainings for new faculty and staff, plus any trainings conducted by Counseling and Psychological Services. In addition, we intend to use some grant funding to develop webinars of our trainings so they are sustainable and would be available on the University Web site.