Annual Student Research Conference
The 2021 version of the Annual Student Research Conference (SRC) featured “lightening talks” presented by students on our School of Science YouTube Channel and judged by faculty during the week of April 19th. Twenty-six student groups presented their research. Four winners were selected to present live on April 23rd and to receive the Dean’s award of Excellence in Undergraduate Research (including $500 each in prize money). Their presentations are below, just click on the presentation title.
Please join us in congratulating the winning research students and their faculty mentors and all the students who participate in undergraduate research!
Spatial and Environmental Variability of HAB Abundance and Toxicity in Monmouth County Coastal Lakes
Karly Nolan
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jason E. Adolf
Altered Cholesterol Levels in Alcohol-Adapted Lipid Rafts From Adolescent Brain Membranes
Grace L. Haemmerle
Faculty Mentor: Dr. D. E. Rhoads
Luke M. Collier
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Tsanangurayi Tongesayi
Statistical Analysis of Diet and Location Impact on House Mice Growth
Lorena Mancino and Emily Tumbaco
Faculty Mentors: Dr. Richard Bastian, Department of Mathematics Dr. David Darmon, Department of Mathematics
Dr. Megan Phifer-Rixey, Department of Biology