Office of the Dean

School of Science

400 Cedar Avenue
West Long Branch, NJ 07764
Telephone: 732-571-3421
Fax: 732-571-4422

Joseph Coyle

Joseph F. Coyle, Ph.D.

Interim Dean;
Department Chair

School of Science

Edison Science Building, 282A

Photo of Dr. Catherine Duckett

Catherine N. Duckett, Ph.D.

Associate Dean;
School of Science

Phone: 732-263-5887

Woman in graduation robes smiles.

Koorleen Minton

Assistant to the Dean

Phone: 732-571-3421

Photo of Donna Volpetti

Donna Volpetti

Office Coordinator

Phone: 732-571-3687

Blond bearded man with a cloudy sky in the back ground

Steve Picken

Vessel Captain and Operations Manager, School of Science

Phone: 732-263-5545

School of Science Faculty Listing