A faculty member presents on her award winning course modification to and audience of other faculty.

Inclusive STEM Teaching

The School of Science commitment to inclusive teaching was embodied this year as 17 faculty and 2 administrators participated in a faculty learning community dedicated to inclusive teaching. The learning community was supported partially by a grant from the Monmouth Intercultural Center. The community was centered around and online course on inclusive STEM teaching funded by the National Science Foundation on Inclusive STEM teaching and included other meetings for faculty to share their experiences.

Faculty reported that the course helped them connect with more of their students and be confident in using more inclusive teaching techniques.  The  School of Science also instituted a teaching award for both as single class and  for whole courses or syllabi that had been modified for inclusive and equitable teaching.  Drs. Sean Sterrett of Biology and Nikita Burrows of Chemistry were winners in the entire course category and Dr. Madeline Balman in the single class meeting category.