Lambda Delta Chapter of Sigma International Nursing Honor Society

Image shows the following quotation from William Butler Yeats: Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire

Marjorie K. Unterberg School of Nursing and Health Studies
Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ

Image shows seal for Sigma International

More information about Sigma Theta Tau can be found at the Sigma Nursing Honor Society website.


Founded in the city of Indianapolis in 1922 by six student nurses, Sigma has grown to represent more than 140,000 nurse members in pursuit of common goals. The purposes of Sigma and its chapters are to: recognize superior achievement; recognize the development of leadership qualities; foster high professional standards; encourage creative work; and strengthen commitment to the ideals and purposes of the nursing profession.

In March 1990, Monmouth University’s Nursing Honor Society became a chartered chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International. The official name today for the Monmouth University Chapter is the Lambda Delta Chapter of Sigma. At this time, the Lambda Delta Chapter has 250 active members. The current membership is composed of BSN students, MSN students, community leaders, faculty, and alumni who meet selected criteria and demonstrated professional excellence.

The Lambda Delta Chapter meets once a month. The chapter hosts guest speakers with some venues offering contact hours. Lambda Delta has received the prestigious Chapter Key Award more than once.

One of the major objectives of the Lambda Delta Chapter is to foster nursing research. To this end, the Chapter has instituted an annual research day that offers nurses the opportunity to share results of their research with colleagues. In addition, the Chapter offers an annual research grant to help successful applicants with implementation of their research proposals. Although available funds are limited, these funds will serve to encourage beginning researchers.

All of you can aspire to membership in this society. Some of you may be eligible for induction in Spring.

Eligibility Criteria


You must have completed 1/2 of the required courses by Spring semester, and have a GPA of 3.5 or higher (based on a 4.0 grading scale). No incomplete grades will be accepted. Download Undergraduate Application

Graduate (MSN and DNP)

You must have completed 12 credits by end of Spring semester, and have a GPA of 3.5 or higher (based on a 4.0 grading scale). No incomplete grades will be accepted. Download Graduate Application

Community Leader

You must demonstrate leadership, scholarship, and a commitment to research. Download Nurse Leader Application

Endorsement Form

Download Endorsement for Membership Form

We hope that you will explore the opportunity to join Sigma, a prestigious Honor Society in Nursing.

Faculty Counselors

Photo of Patricia Sciscione

Patricia Sciscione, Ph.D., RN, CSN



Photo of Beth S. Gough

Beth Gough, MSN, RN, CNE


Vice President

Photo of Joan Raso

Joan Raso, MSN, RN, CHSE



Vacant at this Time


Photo of Erica Sciarra

Erica Sciarra, Ph.D., DNP, APN, A-GNP-C, CNE


Leadership Succession Chair

Photo of Giuseppina Pagnotta

Giuseppina Pagnotta, DNP, MSN Ed, RN, NCSN, PED-BC


Governance Committee Chari

Photo of Rose Knapp

Rose Knapp, DNP, RN, APN-C


Faculty Counselor

Photo of Janet Mahoney, Ph.D., RN, APN-C, NEA-BC

Janet Mahoney, Ph.D., RN, APN-C, NEA-BC


Faculty Counselor