
Photo of Alan A. Cavaiola, Ph.D.

Alan A. Cavaiola, Ph.D.

  • Professor Emeritus

Department: Professional Counseling

Office: Monmouth University Graduate Center 109

Phone: 732-571-3570


Specialization in the area of counseling issues related to mental health and psychology, with a primary interest in alcoholism, substance abuse and other addictive behaviors, and their impact on individuals, couples, and families. Teaching, research, and counseling interests focus on adolescent development, sequelae of trauma, abnormal personality development, DUI offenders, and workplace dynamics.


Ph.D., Hofstra University

Research Interests

Research activities focus on addiction counseling, addiction education, and workplace stress resulting from exploitation.


Cavaiola, A. Branch, C.J. & Giordano, A. L. (in press). Addiction Counseling: A Practical Approach. New York: Springer Publications.

Cavaiola, A. & Smith, M. (in press). A Comprehensive Guide to Addiction Theory and Counseling Techniques. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

Cavaiola, A. & Colford, J. (2017). Crisis Intervention: A Practical Guide, Oakland, CA: Sage Publications.

Scholarly Articles

Cavaiola, A., & Stout, D. (2017). Other facets of workplace abuse: An exploratory study. Psychologist-Manager, 20(4), 246-266.

Presentations/Invited Talks

Cavaiola, A. & Cavaiola, C. K. (2019, Sept. 2nd). Building resilience in individuals with Opioid Use Disorders. Workshop presented at the Mediterranean Region Counselors Association Conference, Naples, Italy.

Cavaiola, A. (2018, Oct. 1) Beyond bullying: An exploration of other facets of workplace abuse. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Conference of the European Association of Occupational Health Psychology. Lisbon, Portugal.

Professional Associations

Appointed to the Board of Directors of the International Coalition of Substance Abuse Educators (INCASE), 2014 to present.


Recently Taught Classes

2022 Spring

  • Introduction to Alcohol and Drug Abuse – PC 540
  • Treatment of Alcohol and Drug Abuse – PC 542

Frequently Taught Classes