
Photo of Brian E. Greenberg Ph.D.

Brian Greenberg, Ph.D.

  • Professor Emeritus of History

Department: History and Anthropology

Office: James and Marlene Howard Hall 301

Phone: 732-571-4477


Dr. Greenberg was the Emeritus Jules Plangere Chair in American Social History.


Ph.D., Princeton University

Research Interests

Current projects include:

“Efficiency and Democracy: Frederick W. Taylor, William B. Wilson, and Louis D. Brandeis,” in progress.


Greenberg_dawning of american labor

The Dawning of American Labor: The New Republic to the Industrial Age. Wiley Blackwell, 2017.

Upheaval in the Quiet Zone: 1199SEIU and the Politics of Health Care Unionism. With Leon Fink. University of Illinois Press, 2009.

Social History of the United States: The 1900s With Linda S. Watts, 2009.

Upheaval in the Quiet Zone: A History of Hospital Workers’ Union Local 1199 (coauthor). University of Illinois Press, 1989.

Worker and Community: Response to Industrialization in a Nineteenth-Century American City, Albany, New York, 1850-1884.

Scholarly Articles

The Public Historian. Public History and Labor History (Fall 1989). Special Issue Guest Editor.

“Leon Julius Davis,” in American National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2014

“Class Conflict and the Demise of the Artisan Order: The Cordwainers’ 1805 Strike and 1806 Conspiracy Trial,” Pennsylvania Legacies (Spring 2014).

“The Progressive Era,” In New Jersey Re-Examined: A New History of the Garden State, Rutgers University Press, 2012

“Wendell Phillips and the Idea of Industrial Democracy in Early Postbellum America,” In The Struggle for Equality: Essays on Sectional Conflict, the Civil War, and the Long Reconstruction, University of Virginia Press, 2011.

“Dennis Rivera,” “Moe Foner,” and “Service Employees International Union,” in Encyclopedia of U.S. Labor and Working Class History . Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2006.

“Monmouth University,” in Encyclopedia of New Jersey. Rutgers University Press, 2004.”Health and Human Service Union, 1199/SEIU, AFL-CIO.” in The Encyclopedia of New York State. Syracuse University Press, 2005.

“Battle of ’59: Hospital Workers Go Out on Strike,” New York Labor History Association News Service, December 1999.

“Andrew Carr Cameron,” “William Sylvis,” and “Tench Coxe,” in American National Biography. Oxford University Press, 1999.

“Samuel Gompers and Trade Unionism in America,” in American Reform and Reformers. Greenwood Publishing Group, 1996.

“Greater New York Hospital Association,” “Local 1199,” and “United Hospital Fund,” in Encyclopedia of New York City. New-York Historical Society and Yale University Press, 1995.

“What David Brody Wrought: The Impact of Steelworkers in America: The Nonunion Era”, Labor History, University of Illinois Press, 1999.

“Coming of Age: 1199 in the 1960s,” in The American General Hospital: Communities and Social Contexts. Cornell University Press, 1989.

“The Making of an American Working Class: Workplace or Community?” The Public Historian (Fall 1987).

“The Making of a Union in the Hospitals,” in The History and Sociology of Technology-Proceedings. Milwaukee Public Museum, 1982.

“Free and Unfree Labor: The Struggle Against Prison Contract Labor in Albany, New York, 1830-1885,” Business and Economic History-Proceedings. Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Illinois, 1980.

“Organizing Montefiore: Labor Militancy Meets a Progressive Health Care Empire” (co-author), in Health Care in America: Essays in Social History. Temple University Press, 1979.

“Worker and Community: Fraternal Orders in Albany, New York, 1845-1885,” The Maryland Historian (Fall 1977). Reprinted in Life and Labor: Dimensions of American Working-Class History. State University of New York Press, 1986.

Professor Greenberg’s book reviews have appeared in the American Historical Review; American Political Science Review; Enterprise and Society; History: Reviews of New Books; Journal of American History; Labor History; Reviews in American History, and Technology and Culture.