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Monmouth University-William Roberts Charitable Foundation Outstanding Teaching Award

Inception of the Roberts Award

In 2006, Monmouth University Life Trustee William B. Roberts established an award that has impacted scores of high school teachers and MU students in the years since—the Monmouth University-William Roberts Charitable Foundation Outstanding Teaching Award.  At its core, this award is about community service—both the service that teachers provide in educating youth, and the service that students provide by bringing recognition to their teachers.  In December of each year, Monmouth students slated to graduate in the following year are invited to reflect on their secondary (high school) education and nominate a teacher who inspired them and made an impact on where they are–on the cusp of receiving their bachelor’s degree.  Those nominations are collected by the School of Education and then the teachers are notified of the honor and invited to apply for the award through the submission of additional materials.  As part of the notification process, teachers receive the narrative written by the student who nominated them.  Although only three nominees are selected each year for the award, which includes a plaque and a cash prize of $1,500, everyone who is involved in the nomination process, both teacher and student alike, finds the process rewarding.

The awards are typically presented each year in May at a dinner hosted by Mr. Roberts.  The nominating students (who have just graduated from Monmouth) attend with the teachers, family members, and school principals, and also receive a plaque in recognition of their service.

About Bill Roberts

As a businessman, Bill Roberts brings more than 50 years of experience in the manufacturing, sales, and securities industries. He is president of Monmouth Capital Corporation, Chairman of the Board of Aqualete Industries, a director of Consumer Portfolio Services, Inc; former chairman of First Option Health Plan; and a former chairman of M.A. Resources.

In regards to public service, Mr. Roberts is a trustee of the Roberts Charitable Foundation located in New York City, a former trustee of Monmouth Medical Center, a former member of the MidAtlantic Health Group board of directors, a Life Trustee of Monmouth University, and a member of the School of Education Deans Advisory Council since 2016.

Mr. Roberts has a creative, entrepreneurial spirit; a sense of civic duty and responsibility; and a commitment to helping others – which is a big part of what has motivated this award. Mr. Roberts created this award to honor outstanding teachers for their hard work and dedication.

Highlights from the 19th Annual Roberts’ Dinner