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School of Education Student Scholarship Exhibition Fall 2022 – Online Viewing

Posters with the gold star “SJ” icon, a Social Justice designation, indicate scholarship that promotes one of the following areas: Awareness, Advocacy, Activism.

Experiential Education and Clinical Practice Reflections

This includes critical reflection of fieldwork experiences through internship opportunities and clinical practice placements. Posters will include reflection on the site, clients/students, assignments/role, as well as what the presenter learned through the experience and a reflection on how they impacted their site. This could work well for social work placements, clinical experiences in education, counseling, and speech language pathology, health studies professional seminar internships, and nursing clinical placements.

Directions: Follow the link of each poster presentation so you can download and hear the entire presentation.

Clinical Experience Poster

Clinical Experience Poster

Melissa Abad

Undergraduate Student

Service Learning Experience

Service Learning Experience

Alexandra Bianchi

Undergraduate Student

Service-Learning Project

Service-Learning Project

Madeline Cosentino

Undergraduate Student

Single Addition BINGO

Single Addition BINGO

Catherine Forsyth

Undergraduate Student

Hygiene Charades

Hygiene Charades

Katie Fry

Undergraduate Student

Being Thankful Goes a Long Way

Being Thankful Goes a Long Way

Brooke Ganz

Undergraduate Student

Service-Learning Experience at Anastasia Elementary School

Service-Learning Experience at Anastasia Elementary School

Bianca Hunsinger

Undergraduate Student

Service Learning Experience

Service Learning Experience

Larissa Leonel

Undergraduate Student

Math CandyLand

Math CandyLand

Anastasiya Levytska

Undergraduate Student

Social Emotional Learning: The Mask Activity

Social Emotional Learning: The Mask Activity

Sydney Mitchell

Undergraduate Student

Field Experience - Anastasia Elementary School

Field Experience – Anastasia Elementary School

Lauren Mullins

Undergraduate Student

Letter Word Obstacle Course

Letter-Word Obstacle Course

Kailyn Musella

Undergraduate Student

Special Education Action Plan Project

Special Education Action Plan Project

Lincoln Pereira

Undergraduate Student

Sight Words

Sight Words

Selene Ramirez

Undergraduate Student

Service-Learning Presentation

Service-Learning Presentation

Andrew Vera

Undergraduate Student

Completed Research or Research in Progress

This includes scholarly research that is either in the data collection process without final results or research that has been completed. This can include scholarship conducted for honors theses, class projects that utilize the research process, faculty/student research collaborations, and independent research.

Directions: Follow the link of each poster presentation so you can download and hear the entire presentation.

Creative Practice

This category is designed to highlight other scholarship that is taking place in the classroom that involves thoughtful inquiry or analysis according to the standards of your field. This category may include development of a lesson plan based on current pedagogy, an in-depth analysis of a policy or problem in the field, or a service learning experience that transformed understanding of the field. This category might also include timely and creative practices that were developed in the face of a virtual/hybrid COVID-19 educational environment. These are just examples, and this category is designed to demonstrate that scholarship in each field is often more broad than a traditional social science research paradigm.

Directions: Follow the link of each poster presentation so you can download and hear the entire presentation.

Test Anxiety Group

Test Anxiety Group

Bryan Schuck, Marissa Tamuzza, and Sydney Marconi

Graduate Students

Proposed Research

This includes research that has not entered data collection, however uses the research process for problem identification, research question formation, and a plan for conducting research. This area would fit well for introductory research methods classes or students in the planning phase of honors theses. Posters would walk through this planning phase of research and likely include background, purpose and methods sections, though no specific format is required. This category would fit well for an introductory research methods classes, students’ in the planning phase of honors thesis, or students who have completed a literature review.

Directions: Follow the link of each poster presentation so you can download and hear the entire presentation.

Differential Reinforcement

Effects of Differential Reinforcement

Whitney Lott

Graduate Student

Parents Role in the Transitional Process

Parents Role in the Transitional Process

Heather Stewart

Graduate Student