Clinical Experience Cooperating Teachers Selection and Placement Procedures
Two important factors in the development of a successful clinical experience program are:
- the availability of effective cooperating schools for clinical experience; and
- the matching of cooperating teachers and teacher candidates.
A) Selection of Cooperating Schools
- The administration and faculty of the School of Education, or a school district superintendent or his/her representative, may express a desire to have clinical experience teacher candidates placed within a particular school.
- The school district must possess the following qualities or resources:
- A sound and innovative curriculum based on the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and the Common Core State Standards which will offer clinical experience teacher candidates opportunities to provide individual, small group, and large group instruction to P-12 students in diverse educational settings.
- An administrative and teaching staff genuinely interested in positively affecting the learning of teacher candidates and P-12 students. This includes, but is not limited to a willingness to:
- Participate in programs necessary to prepare for service as a cooperating school.
- Provide appropriate learning experiences for clinical experience teacher candidates.
- Work collaboratively with Monmouth University staff members in the development of a sequential clinical experience program.
- Select cooperating teachers who meet the criteria of Monmouth University and practice the NJ Professional Standards For Teachers.
B) Placement Procedures
Clinical Experience placements are made through a cooperative and mutual agreement with P-12 schools and agencies. These arrangements are initiated and completed by the Clinical Experience Coordinator in collaboration with the Dean and in accordance with School of Education policies and procedures. Candidates are generally placed in university-school partnerships, the Middle Road Professional Development School, the Lafayette Mills Professional Development School and the Margaret Vetter Professional Development School.
Clinical-based experiences are designed to provide teacher candidates with many, varied opportunities to transfer their learning to real life settings where the entire school focuses on P-12 learning. The faculty and staff of the School of Education endorse clinical placements in multicultural districts and diverse classrooms. Clinical assignments are designed for Monmouth University teacher candidates that prioritize opportunities to interface with P-12 students of differing abilities, race and cultural backgrounds.
- Placements are made in school settings with cooperating teachers who meet the criteria as stated.
- Placements are made in schools which satisfy accreditation requirements of the New Jersey Department of Education.
- Placements in Monmouth University P-12 Partnership districts are a priority for the School of Education.
- Transportation to and from the sites of all clinical assignments is the responsibility of the clinical experience teacher candidate.
C) Selection of a Cooperating Teacher
The cooperating teacher is the single most important component of a successful early clinical experience. Modeling exemplary classroom practices, a cooperating teacher offers the clinical experience teacher candidate opportunities to provide effective instruction, observe and practice successful classroom management strategies, and develop positive social interactions among pupils and adults.
To serve as a cooperating teacher, a teacher must:
- Have been approved by the principal and/or the district.
- Hold a valid standard New Jersey teaching certificate authorizing him/her to teach in the field and/or grade level.
- Have a thorough knowledge of subject matter and use such knowledge to create interactive learning experiences and varied assessments for P-12 students that have a positive effect on their achievement.
- Demonstrate positive communication skills and effective classroom environment strategies.
- Appreciate individual differences, show respect for the diverse talents of learners, and be committed to helping them develop self-confidence and competence.
- Plan instruction based on knowledge of subject matter, of students, and of curriculum goals and models and the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards and the Common Core State Standards.
- Demonstrate excellence in teaching and the 21st century skills needed for success in a global economy.
- Be a lifelong learner who seeks opportunities for continued growth.
- Possess and exhibit high expectations for students.
- Collaborate with colleagues and parents.
- Be willing to participate in University-sponsored professional development opportunities and experiences that increase his/her expertise as a cooperating teacher and classroom instructor.
- Be familiar with and model New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers and relevant Specialty Professional Association Standards.
D) Monmouth University Clinical Experience Supervisors
Clinical Experience supervisors or School of Education professors are assigned for each student doing clinical work in a district. These supervisors will be checking in with you at least twice during the semester to be sure our student(s) have made contact and have begun their clinical hours. They will check again towards the end of the semester to be sure the student(s) have completed their required hours. This information is then passed on to their professors. When clinical work courses are taught by university faculty on site, the professor of record consults with the cooperating teacher and building administrator.