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Mission Statement

The School of Education’s mission is to be a leader in the preparation and professional development of highly competent, reflective teachers, speech-language pathologists, school counselors and administrators. We are committed to social justice initiatives that better all students and other persons from diverse backgrounds in terms of abilities, age, gender, culture, race, ethnicity, family, and socioeconomic status.

Our candidates learn the exigencies of their profession by practicing and demonstrating their skills through clinical experiences in a wide range of local school and community settings. Our accredited programs link theory and practice, foster lifelong learning and reflection, and improve the quality of life for students and clients through innovation, research, and scholarship. School of Education graduates have the practical skills, the commitment to service, and the theoretical knowledge necessary to enhance living and learning in academic and professional settings.

Contact the School of Education

McAllan Hall, Room 116
Telephone: 732-571-7518
Email: School of Education
Fax: 732-263-5477

Wendy Harriott, Ph.D.

Interim Dean;
Associate Professor;
Special Education

School of Education

Robert E. McAllan Hall, 117