If You Discover a Fire Or Smoke Condition:
- Activate the nearest fire alarm.
- Notify anyone nearby of the emergency and tell them to evacuate.
- Follow instructions of Building, Emergency Coordinator, or Residential Life staff.
- Turn off electrical, gas, and hazardous equipment, if you can do so safely.
- Close the doors on your way out, if you can do so safely.
- Evacuate using the nearest exit. Follow the EXIT signs.
- Do not use elevators!
- Go to the Assembly Point. Do not reenter the building until the “all clear” message is given.
- If you activated the alarm or have important information about the fire: Call MUPD at ext. 4444 (732-571-4444) or 911 from a safe location
- Tell them:
- Your name.
- Information about the fire.
- Any persons that require evacuation assistance.
- Where you can be reached for more information (i.e., location and phone #).
Fire Extinguishers, Remember …
- You are not required to fight a fire.
- Always activate the Fire Alarm before you use the Fire Extinguisher!
- Evacuate immediately if there is any danger from smoke, heat, or flames.
- Use fire extinguishers to fight SMALL, non-spreading fires only and, ONLY if you’ve been trained.
(Small fire = a fire no larger than a wastepaper basket!) - Remember P.A.S.S. (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep):
- Pull the pin.
- Aim low, pointing the extinguisher nozzle at the base of the fire.
- Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent.
- Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire until it appears to be out.
- Report any used/discharged fire extinguishers to Facilities Management or MUPD.