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Polling Institute Blog

Big Tech, Fake News, and Political Advertising
New Jersey’s legislative election and 2020 implications
Halloween 2019 – Costume Trends and Safety Tips
Will New Jersey Ban Single-Use Plastics? Here’s a Look at its Journey So Far
A Welcome to New Citizens
Leading Academics Propose New Jersey Legislative Redistricting Reforms
It’s All About Name Recognition, Folks!
Monmouth University Poll – 2018 Midterm Recap
Battle for the House: If you want to know “why” then look to the regions
So long Chris, and thanks for all the juice
History suggests the GOP tax reform celebration will be short-lived
Monmouth University Poll Accurately Depicts Alabama Senate Race
Election Night Preview: What to look for in Virginia and New Jersey
Public Opinion on Impeachment: Lessons from Watergate
How is the Recent Email Controversy Affecting the Polls?
Clinton Enjoys a Post-Debate Bump as Majority Feel Trump Does Not Have Presidential Temperament
Historical Presidential Nominee Favorability Ratings
A Poll Sample’s Party Composition
The Case for Including 3rd Party Candidates in Presidential Polls
Republican Disenfranchisement reaches the House: Paul Ryan Fails to Endorse Trump
West Virginia’s Trump Supporting Sanders Voters
Cruz Zigged While the GOP Electorate Zagged
Super Tuesday Polling: How Did Monmouth Do?
After the Messaging, it’s Time for the Ground Game.
Testimony on Proposed Changes to New Jersey legislative Reapportionment Process