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NJ Gov Candidate Image Clouds

As part of our polling coverage of the New Jersey Governor’s race, the Monmouth University Polling Institute is conducting an online panel study with mainly unaffiliated voters. In our first wave of the study, we asked Garden State voters to write down the first word or phrase that each candidate’s name brings to mind. We then created “clouds” using Wordle to show which words pop up most frequently (the larger the font, the more frequent the mention). I’ll let these images speak for themselves. They’re fairly telling. (Click on each image to enlarge it).

Jon Corzine:Images Shows Word Cloud from Voters for Jon Corzine

Chris Christie:Image Shows Word Cloud from Voters for Chris Christie

Chris Daggett:Image Shows Word Cloud from Voters for Chris Daggett
And we also asked voters to name the image or message that stands out most in the memory from the campaign ads they have seen:Image Shows Word Cloud from Voters Concerning Campaign Ads“Negative!” That word certainly refers to the tone, but it could also refer to the absence of anything substantive in these ads. Either way, it seems appropriate.