The Transformative Ten (T10) is a series of ten events held throughout the year to help students connect their major to prospective career options in preparation for life after Monmouth. The series brings together current and new programming for a complete portfolio of activities and is sponsored by the Office of Transformative Learning. See below for a complete list of spring events:
T10: Career Day Huddle
March 28, 2019
7:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Sharpen career development skills in preparation for Spring Career Day 2019. The Career Day Huddle features three concurrent sessions: The Power of the Pitch; Backpack to Briefcase; and Social Media and Personal Branding. This evening of workshops, complete with food and swag, is designed to help students from first year to senior year build confidence and make connections to future employers. See below for additional details.
The Power of the Pitch
March 28, 2019
Mullaney Hall (Lounge)
7:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Who should attend? First-year students
Why should I attend? Pizza and swag for participants along with tips/strategies for making a powerful first impression.
Overview: Your first career day can be overwhelming. Learn the basics of networking and professional communication by practicing elevator pitch essentials that will help you leave a great first impression.
Backpack to Briefcase
March 28, 2019
Oakwood Lounge
7:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Who should attend? Sophomores
Why should I attend? Pizza and swag for participants along with tips/strategies for translating your growing expertise and talents into hiring potential for an employer or internship.
Overview: About to apply for that dream internship or a great summer job? This workshop will help you get your resume on point so you stand out from the crowd.
Social Media and Personal Branding
March 28, 2019
Wilson 104
7:30 p.m.– 8:30 p.m.
Who should attend? Juniors and seniors
Why should I attend? Potential employers will google you. Learn to refine your social media presence and develop a personal brand that will wow them.
Career Service’s Spring Career Day 2019
April 2, 2019
12:30 p.m. – 4 p.m.
OceanFirst Bank Center, second floor
This annual event brings more than 100 local, regional, and national employers to campus for the purpose of meeting with students and alumni to discuss internship and career opportunities with their respective organizations. Employers representing the corporate, government, and non-profit sectors will be present. First-year students and those who are First to Fly will be greeted by Transformative Learning staff and student leaders to orient students to the career development process.
Please note: The program is open to all Monmouth students and alumni.
T10 Capstone Dinner
April 29, 2019
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Wilson Hall, Pompeii and Versailles rooms
Students, faculty, staff and area employers will come together to network and celebrate the conclusion of a successful year of T10 events at this invitation-only dinner. Invitations to the capstone dinner are extended to those who have participated in a previous T10 event.
This year, Jesper Helt, chief human resource officer for Commvault, will be the keynote speaker. Helt is an accomplished human resources executive with an extensive background and international and commercial experience. He will discuss topics such as Commvault’s values, company culture, employer brand, work/life balance and how the company retains top talent. Helt will also offer tips and tricks to landing that first job out of college. Time will be provided for questions and answers.
For more information on the Huddle or Capstone Dinner, students can contact Transfer and Undeclared Services at 732-571-3588 or Career Day inquiries should be directed to Career Development at or 732-571-3471.