The second Superintendents’ Academy was held on November 18, 2015. The topic was Strategic Planning. The session was started by Dr. Charles Ivory, Executive Director of the Educational Information and Resource Center and Strategic Planning Consultant. Dr. Ivory emphasized that the keys to Strategic Planning are: engagement, relationship building, listening, and inclusivity.
His presentation was followed by presentations by Mr. Thomas Farrell, Superintendent of Oceanport School District, Shore Regional High School District, and West Long Branch School District and by Dr. Bernard Bragen, Superintendent of Hazlet Township Public Schools. These gentlemen discussed their implementation of the Strategic Planning process. They stated the importance of the process; the importance of constantly reviewing the action plan associated with the Strategic Plan with all stake holders and the importance of including community members, parents, staff, students, administrators, and members of the Board of Education.
The next session of the Superintendents’ Academy is being held on Wednesday, February 17, 2016 and the topic is Updates on Common Core and PARCC. For more information, visit the Superintendents’ Academy.