“Indemnity.exe,” a short animation film created by Monmouth University graduating seniors, is included in this year’s Student Animation Showcase, an initiative from the Association Internationale du Film d’Animation (ASIFA)-Hollywood Animation Educators Forum, started last year to give animation students a platform to show their work in lieu of live screenings due to the pandemic. The 2021 ASIFA-Hollywood showcase is set to premiere Friday, June 25 at 10 p.m. EDT, 7 p.m. PDT.
The film noir-influenced robot detective drama was created by students Alyssa Cirillo, Mike Gatta, Lauren Haug, Jeremy Kaston, Emily Ronan, and Connor Trapani, with a score created by music production student Max Adolf, and completed as partial fulfillment of the graduation requirements for their BFA degree in Design and Animation with a concentration in animation. Their senior show can be viewed online: Animation Senior Showcase.
Still from Indemnity.exe
To learn more about the Animation program and its revamped curriculum, visit animation.monmouth.edu.