Professor Mohammad S. Obaidat gave the main Distinguished Keynote Speech at the Joint 2010 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom 2010) and the 2010 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom 2010) held in December 2010 in Hangzhou, China. His keynote speech was titled “On the Recent Trends and Challenges in Green Information and Communication Technology and Samples of Our Recent Research Works.” In addition, he received the prestigious IEEE Communications Society’s Outstanding Leadership Award for his distinguished contribution and leadership to IEEE GLOBECOM-Communication Software, Services, and Multimedia Applications (CSSMA) Symposium.
IEEE/ACM GreenCom and IEEE/ACM CPSCom are two major international conferences that are sponsored by both the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
GreenCom 2010 focused on the efficient use of computing and communication systems in order to reduce their environmental and social impact, particularly reducing power consumption and CO2 emission. The study of green computing and communication attempts to alleviate this problem by delivering both high-performance and reduced-power consumption, effectively maximizing total system efficiency.
IEEE/ACM CPSCom 2010 focused on the exchange of research results in the area of cyber, physical, and social computing, as well as identifying the emerging research topics and defining the future of the Internet and Internet of Things.
In addition, Professor Obaidat gave distinguished invited keynote speeches in December 2010 at three top universities in China: (1) Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, (2) Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, and (3) Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in Beijing.
Professor Obaidat is an internationally known academic, researcher, and scientist. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in computer engineering with a minor in computer science from The Ohio State University. An accomplished author and writer, he has been an editor for numerous scientific journals including being the editor-in-chief of three scholarly international journals: the International Journal of Communication Systems, Journal of Convergence, and Journal of Information Processing. He also served as an editor of IEEE Wireless Communications and is currently serving as editor or advisory editor for many other journals including IEEE Transactions on SMC, IEEE Systems Journal Security and Communication Networks, Journal of Networks,Journal of Communications, Computer Communications Journal, and JDMS, among many other scholarly journals and transactions.
He is the author of more than ten books and 475 refereed journal and conference publications. His books have been translated into several languages and have been used as textbooks and references worldwide. He is the president of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS). He has received numerous awards including the SCS most prestigious McLeod Founder’s Award for his outstanding technical contribution to modeling and computer simulation, the IEEE AICCSA 2009 Best Paper Award, IEEE GLOBECOM 2009 Best Paper Award, Nokia Research Fellowship Award, and Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Award, and he has chaired numerous international conferences and given numerous keynote speeches worldwide. He has served as an IEEE Computer Society distinguished lecturer/visitor, and currently is a distinguished lecturer for ACM and for SCS. Dr. Obaidat is a fellow of SCS and a fellow of the IEEE.