Headshot of Adjunct Professor Dawn Schultz in front of the ocean

Prof. Schultz Named Dance Education Teacher of the Year by NJAHPERD

Dawn Schultz, adjunct professor in the Department of Health and Physical Education, was named the 2024 Dance Education Teacher of the Year by the New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (NJAHPERD).

NJAHPERD recognized Schultz for her ability to educate creatively and utilize various methodologies, present a balanced and sequential curriculum, emphasize the significance of dance as an integral cultural component, promote an understanding of dance as a creative art, and show a professional commitment through membership and active participation in local, state, regional, and/or national dance organizations.

“Thank you, Professor Schultz for inspiring others through dance and leading the way with high quality instructional practices,” said Staci Drewson, Ph.D., department chair.

Schultz will be presented with the award at the NJAHPERD Annual Conference on Feb. 26.