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Prof. Koning receives Award

Prof. Koning Receives Best Demo Award at IEEE GEM 2024

Wobbe F. Koning, MFA, associate professor of animation in the department of Art and Design, received the Best Demo Award at the the IEEE CTSoc Conference on Gaming, Entertainment and Media (GEM 2024), in Turin (Torino), Italy, He showcased the interactive VR Experience Inviting Motion, which came out of his Spring 2023 sabbatical.

The image shows Prof. Koning with the Technical Program Committee Chairs: Bill Kapralos (Ontario Tech University, Canada) and F. Gabriele Pratticò (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)

Aida Vidal-Balea (University of A Coruña, Spain) trying out the experience at the conference
Daniel Martinek (University of Vienna, Austria) experiencing Inviting Motion (Photo taken by his colleague Patrick David Pazour)