“A Tale of Two Fishes”
“Unblinded By Science: Gliders, Biotelemetry & Striper DNA”
Webinar: “New Jersey Sharks and Their Habitats” July 11
“New Jersey Fisherman Catches 7-Foot-Long Sand Tiger Shark at Sea Isle City Beach”
“Ørsted Partners With Rutgers and Monmouth Universities for Fisheries Monitoring Program in NJ”
WATCH: Prof. Dunton Talks Sharks with The Nature Conservancy for Shark Week
“Tagging Sharks”
“Watch: Classes Aboard the R/V Heidi Lynn Sculthorpe”
“Studies of Protected Shark Species Ongoing”
Professor Dunton Presents “Biology of Prohibited Coastal Sharks of New Jersey” Aug 2
WATCH: Asst. Dean Tiedemann & Acoustic Transmitter Tag Project
Study Proves Bits of DNA in Seawater Correlate to the Weight of Netted Fish
UCI Research Leads to Fishy Find
Professor Keith Dunton Works on ‘E-ZPass’ System for Sharks
Jersey Scientist Shows How Sharks Are Tagged and Tracked