COREiculum, scheduled to be released late February 2013, is a fitness program carefully designed by Monmouth University students for college students. COREiculum is your professor, advisor, and classmate to a sculpted, toned, and well-defined bathing suit body.

Everything necessary in order to stay healthy and fit is included within the COREiculum Fitness Program. The program includes six COREses featuring a variety of workouts, an additional three extra-credit COREses, the resistance band, a Nutrition Guide “Cheat Sheet, and a COREse planner to keep the student on track for the semester. The cost is $29.95.

The COREiculum Fitness Program fills the needs of all college students by providing a way to achieve a well-rounded fitness lifestyle all within the confinements of their dormitory. COREiculum’s goal is to improve the overall health and wellness of students immersed in the college lifestyle.

“Professor” Stern, creator and instructor of COREiculum, stated, “This is more than a fitness product; it’s a lifestyle change that can and will help young adults lead healthy and fit lives. It’s about learning that you have nothing to prove to anyone, except how to improve your own life every day.”