Licensure Pass Rates

Nursing: Data for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) will available after our first class graduates in 2018.

Education: 100% of our graduates must pass the PRAXIS prior to participating in clinical practice and earning their degree. This includes bachelor students and MAT students.

Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) administer the licensing exam for Master of Social Work degree recipients. The following should be information regarding the exams: a) It is voluntary for candidates to provide their school code therefore not all of our students will be identified; b) not all of the candidates earned a degree in social work; c) inferences and suppositions cannot be reliably made from pass rate data for groups of fewer than 100 candidates; d) exams are an indicator of entry-level competence only (not intended to be a comprehensive academic exam).

Masters: Typically taken within 90 days of or upon graduation from the masters. Not all eligible graduates will sit for exam as licensure is not required for all positions.

YearFirst-Time Pass RateRepeat Pass RateTotal Pass Rate

Clinical: Candidates are limited to those students in a clinical agency which require their clinical licensure or to have their own private practice. Candidates must have completed 2400 clinical hours under the supervision of a licensed clinical social worker.

YearFirst-Time Pass RateRepeat Pass RateTotal Pass Rate

* Fewer than 100 candidates

The National Counselor Examination (NCE) pass rates for the last three years of exams are:

  • October 13, 2012: 88% (40 students took the NCE, 35 students passed)
  • April 20, 2013: 76% (41 students took the NCE, 31 students passed)
  • October 19, 2013: 84% (31 students took the NCE, 26 students passed)
  • April 12, 2014: 82% (33 students took the NCE, 27 students passed)
  • October 18, 2014: 97% (29 students took the NCE, 28 students passed)
  • April 18, 2015: 100% (34 students took the NCE, 34 students passed)

Physician Assistant: 100 percent pass rate on the NCCPA PANCE.

Speech-Language Pathology

Program Completion Rate:

CohortCompleted Program Within Expected Time Frame% Completing Within Expected Time Frame
Class of 201826100%
Class of 201726100%
Class of 201626100%

Praxis Examination Pass Rates for Graduates:

CohortTaking the ExamPassed the ExamPass Rate (%)
Class of 20182424100%
Class of 20172626100%
Class of 20162626100%

Employment Rate:

CohortCompleted ProgramEmployed% Employed
Class of 2018262388%
Class of 2017262596%
Class of 2016262596%

This chart was updated Fall 2018.