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Middle States Self-Study

Logo: MSCHE Middle States Commission on Higher Education

Monmouth University is accredited by The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), an institutional accreditor recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education. MSCHE provides accreditation for all programs offered by the University. To maintain accreditation, the University must meet MSCHE’s rigorous Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation.

MSCHE accreditation assures students, their families, and the public of the educational quality of a Monmouth education. Institutional accreditation is also a requirement for the University to participate in the Department of Education’s Title IV federal financial aid program.

The Intended Outcomes of Our Self-Study process

  • Meet MSCHE Standards and Requirements of Affiliation
  • Showcase Commitment to Continuous Improvement
  • Engage in a Collaborative and Transparent Process
  • Use the self-study process to assess, improve, and implement initiatives that realize Monmouth University’s ambition to be a national leader through the integration of excellence and access

Monmouth’s Mission

Monmouth University is an independent, comprehensive institution of higher education committed to excellence and integrity in teaching, scholarship, and service. Through its offerings in liberal arts, science, and professional programs, Monmouth University educates and prepares students to realize their potential as leaders and to become engaged citizens in a diverse and increasingly interdependent world.

Core Values

  • Excellence in Teaching and Learning
  • Caring Campus Characterized by Mutual Respect
  • Personal and Professional Integrity
  • Diversity
  • Service
  • Empowerment of University Community

Monmouth University Strategic Plan Themes and Our Self-Study Priorities

View the full copy of Monmouth’s Strategic Plan.

Theme 1: Invest in Academic Excellence

Theme 2: Enhance the Student Experience

Theme 3: Cultivate a Diverse and Inclusive Campus

Theme 4: Improve Identity and Imagine

Theme 5: Modernize Infrastructure

Theme 6: Ensure Financial Stability

Self-Study Timeline

Apr/Jul 2025

MSCHE Site Visit – April 2025
Commission Action – June 2025 MSCHE Findings

Feb 2025

Final Self-Study is Due – The fourth and final version of the self-study is due to MSCHE

Mar 2023-Feb 2025

Writing the MU Story – Work Groups, Steering Committee, and Co-Chairs lead the institution in the writing and drafts of the Self-Study and Evidence Inventory.

Mar 2024

MSCHE Team Chair’s Preliminary Visit – Site Team Chair visits campus as introduction to campus and community. Review of Self-Study Report and Evidence Inventory. Begin planning the team visit in Spring 2025.

Mar-Apr 2023

MSCHE VP Liaison Visit – MSCHE VP Liaison visits campus, meets with the President, meets with Board, holds open session for campus community. Provides input on SS design plan. Discuss Site Team Chair preferred experiences.

Jan-Mar 2023

Organize the Work – Select Work Group Chairs, draft the Self-Study Design Plan, select Work Group members

Fall 2022

Steering Committee – Form the Steering Committee, attend the Self-Study Institute, attend MSCHE Annual Conference

Standards/Work Groups

Each group will have 2 co-chairs and 3-5 members. More details for each standard can be found on the MSCHE’s page on Standards for Accreditation.

Standard 1: Mission and Goals

Standard 2: Ethics and Integrity

Standard 3: Design and Delivery of the Student Learning Experience

Standard 4: Support of the Student Experience

Standard 5: Educational Effectiveness Assessment

Standard 6: Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement

Standard 7: Governance, Leadership, Administration

Join a Standard Committee

Interested in joining or nominating somebody for a committee, please fill out the Committee Nomination Form.

Steering Committee

Photo of Christine L. Benol

Christine Benol

Accreditation Liaison Officer

Associate Vice President for Institutional Research and Effectiveness

Bea Rogers


Director of Peer Assisted Learning, Retention, and General Education Assessment

Patrick Walden

Patrick R. Walden, Ph.D., CCC-SLP


Associate Professor and Chair, Speech-Language Pathology Program

Photo of Richard Veit

Richard Veit, Ph.D.

At Large Steering Committee Member

Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs;

Photo of Manish Sharma

Manish Sharma

At Large Steering Committee/ Assessment

Director of Assessment

Susan Gupta

Susan Forquer Gupta, Ph.D.

At Large Steering Committee Member

Associate Provost

Jonathan Ouellet

Jonathan Ouellet, Ph.D.

At Large Steering Committee Member

Associate Professor

Photo of Nguyen T. Pham

Nguyen Pham, Ph.D.

At Large Steering Committee Member

Assistant Professor

James Pillar headshot

James Pillar, Ed.D.

At Large Steering Committee Member

Vice President for Student Life

Charlene Diana

Charlene K. Diana

At Large Steering Committee Member

Vice President and General Counsel

Mary Byrne

At Large Steering Committee Member

Associate Vice President And Controller

Photo of Tara A. Peters

Tara Peters


Associate Vice President

A photo Of Mike Maiden

Michael Maiden


Executive Director of University Communications

Photo of Douglas Pescatore

Douglas Pescatore

University Data Specialist

Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness