The faculty and staff of Monmouth University are aware of the specific needs facing our veterans as they pursue their educational goal.
Contact for Veteran Services and Student Support Services:
Xochil Ramirez
Rebecca Stafford Student Center,
Main Floor, near Information Booth
This office is the main point of contact for veteran students, Active Duty and Reserve Component personnel, families of military, and survivors. Monmouth provides assistance, advocacy, and mentoring as well as advising for the Monmouth University Student Veterans Association.
Members of the military community (or even those considering a future in the military) should feel free to contact Xochil Ramirez for information.
Contact Information
Additionally, the following Monmouth University employees are available to assist you:
Career Development (Center for Student Success)
Developing your civilian resume, conducting your job search, career advice, interviewing
- Mr. Jeff Mass, Assistant Director, Career Development
- / 732-571-3580 / Student Center, Main Floor
Counseling and Psychological Services (Student Life)
Personal and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) counseling
- Dr. Chris McKittrick, Director
- 732-571-7517 / Student Center, 3rd Floor
Office of Transfer and Undeclared Services (Center for Student Success)
Academic advising, advanced standing for military coursework, choosing a major
- 732-571-4409 / Student Center, Lower Level
Financial Aid Office
Chapter 31, GI Bill and general financial aid questions
- Tabitha Conlan, Senior Financial Aid Counselor
- 732-571-3463 / the Great Hall, 1st Floor
Office of Admission
Admission guidelines, application process, academic offerings, Military Bridge Program
- Patrick Dorsey, Associate Director of Undergraduate Admission
- 7322635873 / the Great Hall, 1st Floor
Office of Veteran Services
Monthly certifications with VA (program or status changes), academic audit questions
- Xochil Ramirez, Coordinator of Student Support & Veteran Services
- / 732-263-5258 / Rebecca Stafford Student Center, First Floor
Bursar’s Office
Chapter 31, various programs in which the military is billed directly
- Mohieb Mohsen, Manager of Student Financial Services
- 732-571-3459 / the Great Hall, 1st Floor
Faculty Representative
General questions or concerns regarding the military/civilian transition
- Ed Christensen, Vice President for Information Management
- 732-263-5500 / Edison Hall