Exit Interview
Outgoing president Grey Dimenna reflects on his time at Monmouth.

Taking Root
With an expanding understanding of wellness, Western medicine looks East.

Readers have their say.

2019 Alumni Award Winners
Alumni Association honors three alumni during Reunion Weekend.

Campus Briefs
The scene at West Long Branch.

A Living Legacy
An artist’s passion endures at Monmouth.

Holding Court
Nicola Pipoli talks MAAC championships, Rafael Nadal, and grandma’s cooking.

Double DOUBLE Vision
The Stratz and Jenkins sisters—track teammates and identical twins—talk running, rituals, and more.

The Walk-On
Winning isn’t always about being atop the leaderboard.

Chasing Greatness
How hard work and some fatherly advice led Reggie White Jr. to the NFL.

Remembrance: Kenneth Stunkel
Emeritus Professor of History and Former Dean, 1931-2019.

Remembrance: William Tepfenhart
Professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering, 1956–2019.

Visions of the Future
A look at Monmouth's new interactive digital media concentration.

On Display
Public divided on role of wild animal exhibits.

Too good to fail
How the great recession helped launch one alumna’s music career.

Mindfulness for Minors
Rodney Salomon and Mychal Mills are using holistic intervention to help children in at-risk communities steer clear of trouble.

Words of Wisdom
What advice would you give to your Monmouth self?
Imagine you could travel back in time for a candid conversation with college-aged you. What sage advice or constructive criticism would you share with your younger self? Maybe to study more (or less). To not fear failure. To ditch the mullet. Share your snippets of personal wisdom with readers by writing us at magazine@monmouth.edu. We’ll include the responses in the next issue of Monmouth magazine.