Just for Kicks

Injuries and seven (yes, seven) collegiate seasons in soccer have given veteran defender Gabby Cuevas unwavering drive—and a whole lot of perspective.


Talking with Terry Spear ’81M

Sexy werewolves, jaguar shifters, and medieval Highlanders are all in a day’s work for this “USA Today” best-selling author of paranormal books for teens and adults.

The Back

Taking On Teen Suicide

The suicide rate for adolescents has been slowly rising, according to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We asked Michelle Scott, Ph.D., what can be done to reverse the trend.


Crowdsourcing History

More than 100 artifacts are currently on display in the Monmouth University Library as part of an exhibit marking the centennial of the United States’ entry into WWI.


The Genius Wows Monmouth

In November 1967, Ray Charles performed for more than 3,000 people inside the then newly opened Boylan Gymnasium. As the Asbury Park Press reported, Charles transformed “that big, cold, stadium-type room into a hothouse of exuberant rhythm,” fielding questions from the audience, sharing stories about his upbringing, and even meeting backstage with a fan who brought his blind son to the show. Monmouth has hosted some amazing musical acts through the years— from Billy Joel to The Four Seasons to Sammy Davis Jr. (not to mention some guy named Bruce Springsteen on more than one occasion). Send us your favorite campus concert memory—and share any artifacts you still have, from pictures to ticket stubs—by writing us at magazine@monmouth.edu.