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Members of the Institutional Review Board


Photo of Stacy Lauderdale-Littin

Stacy Lauderdale-Littin, Ph.D., BCBA-D

Associate Professor

Phone: 732-263-5216

Affiliated, Scientific Member

Photo of Stephanie R. Bobbitt

Stephanie Bobbitt, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor;
Educational Counseling

Phone: 732-571-4486

Sherry A. Greenberg, Ph.D., RN, GNP-BC, FGSA, FNAP, AGSF, FAANP, FAAN

Hess Endowed Chair in Nursing Education;
Graduate Faculty

Phone: 732-923-4674

Photo of Mary B. Haspel, Ed.D., BCBA

Mary Haspel, Ed.D., BCBA-D

Assistant Professor;
Special Education

Phone: 732-923-4611

Photo of Erik X. Raj

Erik X. Raj, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Associate Professor;
Speech Language Pathology

Phone: 732-923-4638

Photo of Patricia Sciscione

Patricia Sciscione, Ph.D., RN, CSN

Associate Professor

Phone: 732-263-5639

Photo of Paul E. Urbanski

Paul Urbanski, Ph.D., MSSW

Associate Professor

Phone: 732-263-5371

Affiliated, Non-Scientific Member

Photo of Lisa Iannuci

Lisa Iannucci

Instructor Librarian

Phone: 732-571-7560

Unaffiliated Member

Ines Altemose