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Guidance for Supervisors

Employees want to be successful contributors. They want to know what is expected of them and how they can most effectively achieve those expectations. Additionally, they want to receive acknowledgment of their successes and good work.  As a supervisor, it is your job to:

  • Clearly communicate expectations
  • Provide employees with the tools, training, and information they need to succeed
  • Offer regular, timely, and constructive feedback
  • Be reasonable and fair when evaluating performance
  • Recognize successes and achievements
  • Address performance issues in a proactive and timely manner in order to resolve them before they become significant

Good performance management doesn’t just help the employee; it can make your job easier and help you build a high-functioning, productive team.

Other benefits of effective performance management include:

  • Motivated and engaged employees
  • Increased retention of good employees
  • Reduced costs related to recruiting and training new employees
  • Less time dealing with corrective action issues
  • Positive departmental reputation as a great place to work