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Guidance for Probationary Employees

New employees are considered probationary employees for a period of time defined in their respective union agreements.  Administrative and Non-Union Staff hires have a 180-day and 90-day probationary period respectively. This probationary timeframe allows managers to assess whether skills, performance and dependability fit the functions of the position and merit associated with the role.

During the probationary period, employees should:

  • Review Monmouth University policy regarding probationary employees during the departmental orientation or individually your the manager
  • Review your position description and discuss expectations and standards of performance with your manager
  • Become familiar with University policies including:
    • Reporting to work in a regular and timely manner
    • Scheduled breaks or lunch periods
    • Requesting use of accrued time in a timely and appropriate manner
    • Dress codes/standards
    • Appropriate conduct
    • Conducting yourself in accordance with designated safety rules
    • Departmental work rules
  • Seek manager feedback regarding performance and participate in an interactive conversation about your goals