Track Options

Track Options

The M.S. in Computer Science curriculum gives you four track optionsComputer Science, Computer Networks, Cybersecurity, and Databases and Intelligent Information Systems― that allow you to specialize in the sector of information technology that matches your interests, abilities and career objectives.

Computer Science

Designed to meet your needs whether you’ve just completed an undergraduate degree in computer science and want to further your studies, or if you hold a degree in an area other than computer science and seek to broaden your education in the discipline.

Computer Networks

Provides you with a comprehensive study of network design and implementation, network performance analysis and management, network security, and the latest networking technology.


Provides in-depth knowledge of emerging security threats and solutions to prepare software engineers to identify, develop and implement highly secure systems and networks that support organizational goals.

Databases and Intelligent Information Systems

Gives you the solid foundation necessary to effectively analyze, design, implement and optimize complex data repositories, and to transform data into powerful information systems for business.
