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MSCMHC Student Alumni Organizations

Professional Development & Networking Opportunities

Counseling Students Association

All graduate students enrolled in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling master’s program at Monmouth University are members of the Counseling Students Association (CSA). Each semester, the CSA sponsors events such as a semi-annual Labyrinth Walk, trips to relevant shows and workshops in New York, guest speakers on campus, an annual Meet & Greet to welcome our incoming counseling students, and more.

The CSA is a dynamic organization that is run by and for all our department’s graduate counseling students.

Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Honor Society

Chi Sigma Iota is an international honor society for counseling. Students are eligible to become members when they have completed at least one semester of full-time study (9 credit hours) and have a grade point average of 3.5 or above.

Monmouth University’s chapter of Chi Sigma Iota is Mu Upsilon Omega, and the faculty adviser for the Professional Counseling program is Dr. Megan Delaney. Contact Dr. Delaney by e-mail at

To join, or for more information about CSI, please visit the CSI Web site at

Counseling Alumni Connection (CAC)

The purpose of the Counseling Alumni Connection is to keep post-graduate students connected to their academic community and invested in the field of counseling through the promotion of professional and personal development. Post-graduate students will be encouraged to participate in a number of sponsored workshops and trainings, open roundtable discussions, community outreach events, and networking opportunities held on and off campus.

Each year the CAC hosts a variety of events, including the Current Topics in Counseling Conference, “From Our Own” Presentation Series, Guest Lecture Series, and other opportunities.

Sign up online for the CAC and to subscribe to the department’s alumni e-mail list.

If you have any questions about the CAC or how you can get involved, please contact Lisa Himelman, Director of Professional Development and Special Projects, at 732-923-4572 or

CAC Peer Consultation Group (PCG)

The mission of the Peer Consultation Group is to provide an informal, confidential forum for counselors to discuss clinical issues that arise in practice and to process reactions to clients. Colleagues will have the opportunity to share challenges, offer solutions, further develop skills, and explore areas of strengths and weaknesses in a supportive environment. The PCG is an additional avenue outside of an employment setting for like-minded others to share information and experiences that will facilitate both professional and personal development for those working in a helping role.

The PCG is a cohesive group whereby alumni and members of the New Jersey Counseling Association at different stages in their professional growth share in their processes together. In addition to case conceptualizations, we address critical issues such as ethical obligations, abiding by state rules and regulations, licensing, countertransference, and differential diagnosis. Each member of the group provides insight into specialized areas of the mental health field, addresses challenges faced, as well as the rewards experienced in helping clients overcome obstacles large and small. Additionally, the PCG provides the opportunity to network, to provide referrals, to identify employment and internship opportunities, and to keep abreast of the activities occurring within the Monmouth University counseling community.

Peer Consultation is a critical component in developing as a professional. The CAC is proud to provide this opportunity. We have received requests from other professionals outside of Monmouth University to join the group. We are pleased to invite all alumni to attend, as well as members from the Monmouth regional division of the NJCA that might also be interested. Feel free to bring any resources that you feel will be beneficial to share.

Monthly group meetings are announced via e-mail. If you would like to be added to the PCG e-mail list to receive these updates, please contact Lisa Himelman at or 732-923-4572.