MBA with a Concentration in Finance
Financial executives are key to managing the financial concerns of nearly every organization, and Monmouth’s MBA with a Concentration in Finance provides the development both personally and professionally to create the workplace leaders of the future. The program allows students to develop a balance between the technical finance courses needed to work in financial institutions and the overall management skills needed in all business situations.
Classes are led by accessible, dedicated faculty who work to meet the needs of those who are in, or seek careers in, the areas of investments, financial institutions, corporate finance, and international finance. Through individual course selection, students may tailor their program toward their areas of interest. Our Bloomberg lab also allows students to develop real life skills as financial analysts or traders.
The MBA with a Concentration in Finance provides rigorous training in the fundamentals of finance and is a way to advance a career within a current company, entice potential employers, or gain traction as an independent financial consultant.