Doctor of Nursing Practice Program Application Requirements

To be considered for admission, students must submit an application to Monmouth University along with a $60 application fee, and meet the following requirements:

  • Applicant must be a graduate of an accredited Master’s in Nursing program or a related field (i.e., MBA, MPH, MHA).
  • Possession of active RN license.
  • Certification in a specialization is preferred.
  • Must have a minimum of GPA of 3.2 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
  • Currently employed.
  • Statement of vision of her/his leadership role to improve healthcare outcomes.
  • Résumé that includes details of current practice.
  • Two professional and/or academic letters of recommendation.
  • Telephone or in-person interview may be a part of the admission process.
  • Official transcripts from all previous college work.
  • Current liability and malpractice insurance of $1,000,000 to $3,000,000.
  • After admission, prior to starting classes, students must submit to the School of Nursing and Health Studies a certificate of good health from a primary care practitioner, including a health history and physical examination with associated laboratory studies, immunizations, and criminal background checks in accordance with the special requirements of affiliation contracts with clinical agencies.
  • After admission, students are required to show proof of 500 post baccalaureate hours or take an additional course to complete these hours prior to registering for leadership immersion courses.

Application Due Dates

  • July 15 for Fall Semester
  • May 1 for Summer Semester

Qualified applicants are given consideration after these due dates on a space-available basis.