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Guidelines for Speech Activities and Demonstrations


  1. As a private, comprehensive, teaching-oriented institution of higher learning, committed to service in the public interest, lifelong learning, and the enhancement of the quality of life, Monmouth University recognizes the importance and encourages the free interchange of ideas and the expression of disparate points of view. At the same time, the University expects such expression to be carried out responsibly and peacefully, without infringing the rights of others, and in accordance with University policies and procedures, as well as local, state, and federal laws. 
  2. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance with respect to speech activities occurring on University property and the contiguous area, including but not limited to demonstrations or protests. 


  1. The University reserves the right to limit the time, place, and manner of the speech activities and requires that such speech occur in an orderly fashion and with the identification of the sponsoring individual(s) or group(s) and so as to avoid:
    1. interference with the University’s mission, functions, or activities;
    2. interference with an event by hindering audience view or the delivery or hearing of a performance;
    3. interference with the free flow of traffic to, from, and within the University campus;
    4. endangerment to the health, safety, or well-being of others; and
    5. damage to or destruction of University property or the property of others.
  2. Outside individuals or groups who wish to demonstrate should contact the Monmouth University Police Department to reserve a location for demonstration activities. The University reserves the right to limit the location and size of the demonstration area to that which is suitable under the circumstances, including but not limited to expected attendance. 
  3. Demonstrators must comply with the directions of University officials or law enforcement officers acting in performance of their duties. 
  4. The University reserves the right to terminate demonstration activities and remove from the demonstration location those individuals or groups who violate any of the provisions of this policy. 

Compliance with Laws

  1. Demonstration activities that are not authorized include those that advocate unlawful discrimination on the basis of, or that are grossly offensive on matters such as, age, sex, race, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and any other characteristic protected by applicable law. 
  2. Expression that is lewd, disorderly, or indecent; breach of peace; aiding, abetting, or procuring another person to break the peace on University premises or at functions sponsored or participated in by the University, is not authorized.