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  • Toni Morrison Day

    Photo of author Toni Morrison with one of her more famous quotes: This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal.

    Join us for a celebration of the life and works of Toni Morrison: author, activist, academic, and Nobel Laureate.

    These events are free and open to the public. For questions or additional information, please contact Professor Linda Sacks at

    Sponsored by the Department of English, the Guggenheim Memorial Library and the Honors School.

    Schedule of Events

    Library 101

    10:00 – 11:25 a.m. | Dr. Courtney Werner – Welcome; Professor Beth Sara Swanson – Opening remarks; Dr. Walter Greason – Keynote address

    11:40 a.m. – 4:10 p.m. | Sigma Tau Delta: marathon reading of Sula, read in its entirety by student and faculty volunteers

    4:30 – 5:50 p.m. |  Dr. Anwar Uhuru: “Finding Self Regard in the Works of Toni Morrison,” followed by discussion

    6:00 – 8:00 p.m. | Screening: Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am (2019), sponsored by the Honors School

    Library 102

    10:05 a.m. – 4:10 p.m. | Visit the Toni Morrison Gallery – enjoy food and refreshments

    Faculty Symposium

    Magill 107

    11:40 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. | Pedagogy Panel: “Teaching Toni Morrison”

    1:15 – 2:35 p.m. | Scholarship Roundtable: “Morrison: History, Themes, and Craft”

    Wilson 104

    10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. | Open Room: Student & Faculty maker/creator space

    10:00 – 11:00 a.m. | Collage Workshop with Professor Linh Dao, Department of Art and Design

    2:00 – 3:00 p.m. |  Collage Workshop with Professor Linh Dao (video)

    Photo of Event Schedule Flyer - click to download schedule of events
    Click Image to Download Event Schedule


  • 6th Biennial Interdisciplinary Conference on Race

    Click Image to View and Download Conference Program
    Click to View Conference Program

    Monmouth University’s upcoming 6th biennial Interdisciplinary Conference on Race is themed Race, Memory and Identity and brings distinguished speakers and cultural performances.

    This conference aims to bring together scholars from multiple disciplinary perspectives to broadly explore the intersections of Race, Memory, and Identity. Contemporary social, political, and media discourses demonstrate the continued need to evaluate the differing ways that race and identity impact memory in connection to history, trauma, loss and remembrance. Understanding memory as both a subject and a tool can act to promote conversations about how memories of the past impress upon individual and collective memory to affectively shape racial and cultural identities.

    This year, historian Dr. William Sturkey, UNC, Chapel Hill, will deliver the opening plenary lecture. Dr. Qiana Whitted, USC, and other distinguished speakers will also participate in this conference.

    Registration Fees:

    • Scholar/General Public: $125
    • Non-MU Student: $85
    • Monmouth University Faculty, Students & Staff: No Charge
      (Please Note:  members of the Monmouth community still need to register. )

    For more information, please contact Brooke Nappi at or use the link below to visit the conference web site.

  • Reproductive Justice 2019: Perils and Prospects

    The personal is the political has been a part of the American vocabulary since at least the 1960s. Initially this argument was a source of identity and politics-making in the male public arena, not the female domestic space. Recently, this personal has been targeted in both Western Europe and North America where varying nationalist resurgences have resulted in anti-choice legislation. In response, some American states have passed reproductive-specific protections through legislative acts of their own. Against the backdrop of culture war, what does this renewed attention to female agency and their bodies say about our broken, polarized present? What prospects lay ahead for women? And more importantly, what perils?

    Click Image to Download and Print Flyer
    Click to Print Flyer

    Opening Remarks

    Dr. Nancy Mezey – Dean of the Honors School


    Dr. Rekha Datta – Interim Provost

    Host and Organizer

    Dr. L. Benjamin Rolsky


    Anne C. Deepak – Associate Professor of Social Work

    Sasha N. Canan – Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Education

    Lazara G. Paz-Gonzalez – Adjunct Professor of Nursing and Health Studies

    Sponsored By:

    The Provost’s Office, The School of Humanities & Social Science and the Department of History & Anthropology in conjunction with the Program in Gender and Intersectionality Studies, The University Library, The Leon Hess Business School, The School of Education, The School of Social Work, and The Honors School.

  • Graduate English Meet-Up

    Image shows drawings of Halloween pumpkins

    A goosebump inducing evening of perfect readings for the season. Enjoy spooky readings of the season from faculty members and students. Meet and mingle with other Graduate students.

    For more information, contact Michele McBride at

  • Ink & Electricity Lecture Series

    This annual lecture series brings top scholars in the fields of digital humanities, media studies, the history of the book, print culture, and children’s literature to Monmouth University every fall.


    A Talk by Dr. Priya Joshi
    Professor of English
    Temple University

    Fan sites, new writing platforms, and new markets for the novel are now produced and curated by readers on Web 2.0 platforms. This talk reviews the story of “literature” in the age of digital production with particular attention to the future of literary theory.

    This event is free and open to the public and refreshments will be served.

    Ink and Electricity is sponsored by the Wayne D. McMurray-Helen Bennett Endowed Chair in the Humanities at Monmouth University, Dr. Kristin Bluemel, professor of English. She can be reached at or 732-571-3622.

  • Council of Endowed Chairs Fall Lecture

    Future generations, wildlife, and natural resources – collectively referred to as “the voiceless” in this presentation – are the most vulnerable and least equipped populations to protect themselves from the impacts of global climate change. This presentation first identifies the common vulnerabilities of the voiceless in the Anthropocene era. It then proposes how the law can evolve to protect their interests more effectively through a stewardship-focused and rights-based system derived from the mandate inherent in the concept of sustainable development.

    This presentation, sponsored by the Monmouth University Council of Endowed Chairs, is drawn from Professor Randall S., Abate’s forthcoming book, which will be published by Cambridge University Press in October 2019.

  • Annual Graduate Symposium (English Dept.)

    Call for Papers

    The Graduate Symposium presents students with the unique opportunity to not only present their work before their peers, but also to hone their speaking skills while simultaneously building their resume.

    All English Graduate students are welcome to submit papers and presentation proposals to Jennifer Broman (

    Threesis Competition

    What is the Threesis? Consider it an elevator pitch for your thesis (or any research you’ve done). Present a 3-minute long, non-jargon prose description of your thesis or research paper, and compete against your fellow Grad students for $25 Barnes & Noble gift card!

  • Music & Theatre Department’s Chamber Orchestra and Ensembles

    Directed by Professor Michael Gillette 

    Open to all students and faculty

    Classical pieces by Mozart, Grieg, Verdi, Bach, Vaughn, Williams, Schubert, Rossini, & Clarke performed by the Chamber Orchestra & Ensembles.

  • Visiting Writer: Melissa Febos

    Melissa Febos is the author of the critically acclaimed memoir, WHIP SMART (St. Martin’s Press 2010), whose “electrifying prose and unremitting honesty” Kirkus Reviews said, “expertly captures grace within depravity.” Among other places, she has been featured on NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross, Anderson Cooper Live, CNN, The Atlantic and Tin House online, Guernica, and New York magazine.  Her writing has been published and anthologized widely, in venues including Glamour, Kenyon Review, Post Road, Hunger Mountain, Salon, Dissent, The Brooklyn Rail, New York Times, Bitch Magazine, The Chronicle of Higher Education Review, The Rumpus, The Beauty Anthology, The Moment Anthology, and Goodbye to All That: Writers on Loving and Leaving New York.  For seven years, she has co-curated and hosted the popular Mixer Reading and Music Series in Manhattan, and is the recipient of an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College. She has taught writing at Purchase College, The New School, NYU, Sarah Lawrence, Utica College, and the Institute of American Indian Arts, among other places, and is currently Assistant Professor of Creative Nonfiction at Monmouth University. Selected by Lia Purpura as the winner of the 2013 Prairie Schooner Creative Nonfiction Contest, she is the recipient of a 2013 Barbara Deming Memorial Fund Artist Grant, a 2012 Bread Loaf Nonfiction Fellowship, a 2014 Virginia Center for Creative Arts fellowship, and MacDowell Colony fellowships in 2010, 2011, and 2014. The daughter of a sea captain and a psychotherapist, she was raised on Cape Cod, and lives in Brooklyn.

    Free and Open to the Public

  • Graduate Information Session for Professional Counseling, Mental Health Counseling, and Physician Assistant Degree Programs

    This information session is for
    students interested in Monmouth University’s Professional Counseling, Mental
    Health Counseling, and Physician Assistant graduate degree programs

    The session will be held at the Monmouth Park Corporate Center, 185 State Highway 36, West Long Branch, NJ, starting at 6 p.m.