The Installation of Patrick F. Leahy, Ed.D.

The Installation of
Patrick F. Leahy, Ed.D.
Tenth President of Monmouth University

View the Complete Program

A portrait of Patrick F. Leahy

Installation Ceremony

Faculty Marshals

Roy L. Nersesian, MBA, Vecihi S. Zambak, Ph.D.

Processional: Posting of the Colors

The Monmouth University Police Honor Guard

Musical Selections

The National Anthem

Kristen Wilczewski, Soloist

America the Beautiful

Monica Flores, Soloist
The Monmouth University Chamber Choir
David M. Tripold, Ph.D., Director
Maggie Tripold, Accompanist


Rekha Datta, Ph.D., Master of Ceremonies
Interim Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs


The Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., President, The University of Scranton


Barbara K. Mistick, D.M., President, National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
Senator Vin Gopal, New Jersey Senate, Legislative District 11
Marina Vujnovic, Ph.D., Chair, Faculty Council

Musical Selection

Hold Fast To Dreams

The Monmouth University Chamber Choir
David M. Tripold, Ph.D., Director
Maggie Tripold, Accompanist


Michael A. Plodwick ’82, Chair, Board of Trustees, presiding
Patrick F. Leahy, Ed.D., Tenth President of Monmouth University

Closing Remarks

Michael T. Fazzino, President, Student Government Association

Singing of the Alma Mater

The Monmouth University Chamber Choir and Audience
David M. Tripold, Ph.D., Director
Maggie Tripold, Accompanist


There are few things more enduring than a university. Religions may split into sect or heresy; dynasties may perish or be supplanted, but for century after century the university will continue, and the stream of life will pass through it, and the thinker and the seeker will be bound together in the undying cause of bringing thought into the world. To be a member of these great societies must ever be a glad distinction.

—John Masefield
British Poet Laureate,
Installation of the Chancellor
at the University of Sheffield, 1946