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Manufacturing Today is More Than an Assembly Line: How American Made Products Can Drive the Next Generation

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Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2015 2:45-4 p.m.

As part of the nationwide Manufacturing Day celebration, the Leon Hess Business School, in partnership with the American Oil & Supply International LLC, will be hosting an event that aims to educate students about the true value of manufacturing jobs and its importance to the U.S. economy.

This event is scheduled for Wednesday, October 7, 2015 starting at 2:45 p.m. until 4 p.m. in Pozycki Hall Auditorium. All business students including entrepreneurship and those with marketing and/or management concentrations are encouraged to participate in an interactive discussion and video presentation emphasizing “Made in America” products and career opportunities in today’s manufacturing environment.


  • Chuck Decker, President, American Oil since 1895 ®

Panelists and Presenters:

  • Stanley Ziemski, Chairman, American Oil since 1895 / AOS Thermal Compounds
  • Jeff Leiter, Managing Partner, Leiter & Cramer, Washington DC
  • Holly Alfano, Executive Director, ILMA, Washington DC
  • John Ziemski, President, AOS Thermal Compounds

For additional information, please contact Janeth Merkle at


October 7, 2015
2:45 pm–4:00 pm EDT