“Les Paul: Thru the Lens” explores the life of pioneering musician and innovator Les Paul. Through a series of 24 photographs, visitors will see a chronicle of Paul’s life, career, and achievements: his early performances as Red Hot Red, his marriage to and work with Mary Ford, his explorations in the recording studio and with the electric guitar, and of course his long and influential performing career.
Collectively, the images provide an intimate view into the life of an icon of the music and sound products industry and remind us that, through it all, music—and the industry—are inseparable from the people who make it.
This traveling exhibition is courtesy of The Les Paul Foundation.
There will be a special musical tribute concert, “The Les Paul Experience” presented in conjunction with the exhibition on May 12 at 8PM in Pollak Theatre.
**Exclusive Offer**: Les Paul in His Own Words
By Les Paul and Michael Cochran
Forward by Paul McCartney
Hard cover 368 pages, 9 1/2” x 12” x 1 1/2”
Special Offer – $50 + tax (Retails for $75)
The charm of this book is “listening” to Les Paul tell his story. Michael Cochran captures Les’ way of telling stories and Les had plenty to tell. This large, beautiful book encompasses the fascinating life of the musician and inventor who seemed to live forever. Les takes the reader from his childhood in Waukesha, Wisconsin through his adventures in St. Louis, Chicago, LA, New Jersey and New York. Les explains how he developed the solid-body guitar and endless recording techniques that changed the world of music.
The high quality color prints and photos include many of Les Paul, his extensive guitar collection, musician friends, his inventions and his home recording studios in LA and New Jersey.
Pre-order and pick up the night of show or anytime Monday-Friday 9am – 5 pm at the Pollak Box Office.