Join us for a World Cinema Series zoom discussion illuminating the theme “A Delicate Balance: Global Communities and the Natural World” by analyzing the message and impact of Ravi Kumar’s 2014 docudrama, Bhopal: A Prayer for Rain. Released on the 30th anniversary of the Union Carbide disaster in Bhopal, India on December 2-3, 1984, the film analyses the causes of the chemical leak and vapor spread that killed as many as 10,000 people in Bhopal and the responsibility of the Union Carbide corporate leadership, its local operatives in Bhopal, and the complicity of local officials in creating the conditions that led to the environmental catastrophe, their efforts to avoid accountability, and the legacy of the disaster. Combining suspense and a charismatic cast the film, in the words of one critic (Martin Tsai of ‘The Los Angeles Times’) is “a cautionary tale that could not be more relevant.” (13 November 2014). The discussion of the film will be led by Dr. Datta Naik, Professor of Chemistry, and Dr. Marina Vujnovic, Associate Professor of Communication, and a specialist on global communications.
The film is available for streaming on a number of platforms including Vudu, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, Google Play Movies and TV, or iTunes (for rent or purchase).
When you register you will be provided the meeting link to join the conversation.