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  • Alumni Speaker Series: “Lunch and Learn” with Alison Stanley ’04

    Current students and alumni are invited to hear from sales and marketing leader Alison Stanley ’04 on how to build, develop, and nurture your network and brand using LinkedIn. In this virtual workshop, Alison will share her experiences as a hiring manager and offer practical tips Monmouth Hawks can use to stand out. This will be an interactive, hands-on session where you will learn how to:

    • Create a LinkedIn profile that communicates who you are and why you are the ideal candidate for a starter role.
    • Connect with alumni in smart, meaningful ways to cultivate your Monmouth network.
    • Attract recruiters and professionals by highlighting your skills and understanding how LinkedIn works.

    Presenter: Alison Stanley ’04

    Alison Headshot

    Alison Stanley is a 2004 Monmouth graduate (Communications and Marketing) with 17 years of experience in various roles in the ed tech and publishing industries. Alison specializes in product, advocacy, and cause marketing and recently managed a grant program for students experiencing economic hardship.

    Throughout her career at Wiley, one of the world’s largest publishers and a global leader in research and education, Alison’s management experience ranges from developing sales and customer success teams (including entry-level roles) to overseeing and coaching hundreds of campus brand ambassadors.

    Alison lives up the road in Rumson with her husband, Billy Worfolk (’04), and their two sons (ages 3 & 7), who are dedicated fans of Shadow the Hawk.

  • 5th Annual MLK Distinguished Lecture in Social Justice featuring Anthony Abraham Jack, Ph.D.

    Elite colleges are accepting diverse and disadvantaged students more than ever before—but to Anthony Jack, access does not equal acceptance. An assistant professor at Harvard and author of The Privileged Poor, Jack—once a low-income, first-generation college student himself—studies how poor students are often failed by the top schools that admit them. In talks, he details how class divides on campus create barriers to academic success—and shares what schools can do to truly level the playing field.

    This program is presented annually by the President’s Advisory Council for Diversity and Inclusion and will be moderated by Professor Claude Taylor. 

  • Woody Guthrie: Songs and Art, Words and Wisdom – Conversation and Book Signing with Nora Guthrie and Bob Santelli

    Hosted by the Bruce Springsteen Archives & Center for American Music at Monmouth University

  • Toni Morrison Day

    Details are forthcoming. View the 2022 program.

  • Throws and Prose

    Throws and Prose

    Can you SPARE a night to write with us? The English M.A./M.F.A. Program will be holding a fun, exciting event on campus on November 11 from 5-7 p.m.

    What’s more fun than bowling AND writing? This event is right up your alley. Join us as a bowler or a spectator…we’ll spend time in the alley and then move to the gym for some writing, refreshments, and an open mic. There is a limited amount of bowlers allowed, so please, RSVP to attend. Shoes and ball are included in your registration. RSVP to

  • Interdisciplinary Conference on Race

    Cognizant of the current economic and societal climate, the Race Conference committee is waiving registration fees for this year’s event in order to further the goals of open, active, and unhampered engagement.

    Monmouth University’s Seventh Biennial Interdisciplinary Conference on Race
    Public Spaces, Private Places: Constructing Race and Liberation 
    Virtual Conference

  • Fighting Times (Opening Event, Interdisciplinary Conference on Race)

    Isaac Knapper & Amy Banks, MD
    Co-authors of “Fighting Time” and Justice Reform Advocates
    Reading, Discussion, and Book signing

    Public Spaces, Private Places: Constructing Race and Liberation
    Opening Event

  • Monmouth Hawk Night

    Calling All Storytellers

    Have you ever woken up laughing from a funny dream? Do you dream of what the future might hold? Had a terrifying nightmare? Gotten caught daydreaming in class?

    Tell Us Your Dreams

    Come for a night of storytelling and fun as The Monmouth Review and Commworks Present: Monmouth Hawk Night

    There will be snacks and prizes!

    Event Links

  • Asbury Park and the Great Migration – Film Screening and Panel Talk Back

    A Film by Erin Fleming for Paradoxical Paradise: An African American Digital Oral History and Mapping Project of Asbury Park.

    Featuring Claude Taylor and Madonna Carter Jackson.

    Presented by the Department of History and Anthropology. Made possible in part by funding from the Diversity Innovation Grant (DIG) program administered by the Intercultural Center and Office of the Provost.


    • Hettie V. Williams, Ph.D.: panel moderator and associate professor of African American History, Department of History and Anthropology
    • Claude Taylor: director for Academic Transition and Inclusion and lecturer in the Department of Communications
    • Erin Fleming: director of Production Services and director and producer, “Asbury Park and the Great Migration”
  • A Community Conversation With Dr. Cornel West

    Co-sponsored by the Basie Center, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Monmouth University’s Social Justice Academy and Intercultural Center.

    Featured Opener: A’Liah Moore ’23